For Parents

What can you do to

The decision to spend extra money to support you child’s school studies can be a tricky one. You want to give them the best chance possible but there are so many options to pick from how can you be sure that you’re not going to end up wasting money?

Let me start by introducing myself, students use my videos so know who I am, but you might not and I’m guessing thats why you’re here!

Spend some time looking around here, the student area and the FAQs 


Hi, I’m Jen! Primrose is the name of a kitten I got when I started my YouTube channel. Hence the name Primrose Kitten, She’s now 5 and spends her time asleep under my desk.

I’m a parent and a teacher, and I’m doing this because I want to help people get the best grades possible.

I work from my spare room and I’ve built this myself, so that I can keep my prices as low as possible and allow as many people to benefit! For more information on pricing click here

All my YouTube videos are free to access, so there is never a restriction on learning content. I have free guides to give students a path to follow through their revision, and I charge a small amount for other content. 

Why extra help might be

There are lots reasons why students might need a bit of extra help…

  • Aiming high, if your child has need to get a certain grade to get on to a course or into a university, some parents want to provide the support to do that
  • No teacher in school, unfortunately not all school have a full staff of teachers.
  • Disruption or change in teacher. If your child’s teacher leaves they might not get replaced immediately or it might take a while for the class to get reestablished. 
  • Personality clash, some student just don’t get one well with a particular teachers style.
  • Low level disruption in class preventing learning
  • Frequent absence from school due to health reasons
  • Changing school due to life changes

GCSEs and A-Levels happen at an awful time. Hormones, life and relationships. Combined with the pressure to do well and make the right decision can leave student feeling overwhelmed. I want to support them through learning new content, revision, picking A-Levels, applying to university and coming out the other side with their mental health intact. 


What is on this site?

  • I have free revision guides to download, these cover everything that the examiners think student know, they can be used to identify gas in knowledge and the video links can be used to fill in the gaps in the knowledge
  • My YouTube channel has free teaching and revision videos 
  • This website has courses to help students revise
  • I write predicted papers for the upcoming exams
  • I have workbooks with thousands of questions in

For every lesson a student has in school, I aim to have a video explaining the content, online multiple choice question and workbooks questions, to help them secure the knowledge and aim to get the best grades they can!