For Teachers

This is the website I when I was teaching

When I was in the classroom, I wanted an easy way to give my students a set of retrieval questions at the end of each lesson. 

So I started writing LOTS of multiple choices questions, I used a range of different websites to set and mark these questions but none of them were quiet right. So I made my own. 

This is the second website I’ve built and its much better than the last one! 

  • Free revision courses 
  • Groups that can be managed by teachers
  • Student report cards

You can sign your class up to a free revision course and let them get on with it! or you can buy a school membership and have full access to the thousands of questions, specifically mapped to each exam board.

If you want to chat, or try it or ask any questions then get in contact!!

Have a look at my extensive FAQs to find out more!